Core Values.


These our not only our initials; these are the Core Values by which we live, train and play True Soccer.


Barcelona Premier Soccer Club takes pride in teaching children to believe in themselves, in their team and in their abilities.  This belief will come over time with hard work and dedication.  When we win; we win as a team.  When we lose; we lose as team.


Barcelona Premier Soccer Club guides children in building a strong personality and a tenacious attitude.  We strive to show them to not give up, no matter how difficult it may seem.  If one falls down; we stand back up together.


Barcelona Premier Soccer Club educates children on how to respect themselves and everyone around them.  It does not matter where we come from or what we own.  A real player will only posess a true love for soccer and respect for the game.


Barcelona Premier Soccer Club will offer 100% of what each member is willing to put forth.  Our players will learn to realize that evidence of their best game will be demonstrated in their toughest practice.  Real BPSC players are not only doing things for themselves; they are doing things for the good of the entire team.