Choosing Sports for Kids: A How-To Guide for Parents

Boy Kicking Soccer Ball


In this era where kids are easily attracted to tech gadgets and do not have a lot of physical activity in their routine, it is very important to have some sports and games included in their routine. Sports and games play an amazing role in kids’ lives as they grow as there are a lot of physical and psychological skills that these teach.

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How Long is a Youth Soccer Game?

How Long is a Youth Soccer Game?


While professional soccer games last as long as 90 minutes at least, everyone knows that children cannot play that long. So, when it comes to the youth soccer games the matches are restricted to a lot shorter times.

When we speak about the kid’s soccer games the thing to note is that there are a lot of age groups, and these are the age groups where there is significant improvement after every stage. So, it will not be the best choice to set the same time limits for every group and that is the reason why these soccer games for kids have different times.

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San Antonio Youth Sports Programs

Youth Sports San Antonio


Programs of Team sports such as baseball, basketball, Soccer and individual sports such as tennis, swimming, gymnastics and Martial Arts are popular here. Soccer is a sport that is played, and enjoyed by many people all over the world. 

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What Size Soccer Ball is Best by Age? With Chart


Not many people know about it, but a soccer ball comes in various sizes. We all are used to seeing the popular size used in big leagues and tournaments, to the point we ignore the little children and their need for an appropriate soccer ball for optimal youth soccer training. Surprisingly, you will even see a soccer academy every now and then, that would be unaware of the sizes. Therefore, we share with you the details of soccer ball sizes by age.

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