How to Curve Soccer Ball?

curve a ball

How to curve soccer ball is probably one of the most popular questions that soccer players ask their soccer coaches. However, the answer to this question lies in practice. Curving or learning how to bend the soccer ball takes practice and some tricks. However, some soccer players do not understand this element. 

It is why today we will discuss how to curve the soccer ball. Remember to master the art of spinning the soccer ball, you must be patient and stay focused. Otherwise, you won’t be able to achieve this goal.

Curve Soccer Ball- Some tips to master the skill

Below-specified are some of the best methods that can help with learning how to curve a soccer ball. 

It’s all about footwork

It is no rocket science that soccer is a sport that requires great footwork. It is particularly true if you want to learn how to bend the soccer ball. There are some key steps that you should follow before kicking and during kicking the soccer ball. Those include:

  • Having a proper stance

    Having a solid stance is a must before you even kick the ball. Your stance and the direction in which you approach the ball are crucial if you want to bend the soccer ball. 

 The right angle to approach the ball is 90 degrees. Right-footed soccer players should come in from left to right at the ball, and it is vice versa for left-footed ones. 

  • Run-up

    Your run-up is the second most vital thing when it comes to curving the soccer ball. You must have a room of three strides before you kick the ball. Lining up too far away from the ball can also hurt your runup and momentum. So, there is no need to do that. 

  • Do not kick the ball at the center

    When shooting, make sure that you do not kick the ball at the center. Kicking the ball at the center will make the ball go straight, and this is not what you want. To bend the soccer ball, kick at the slightly left or right side of the ball.

If you want to bend the soccer ball right, kick it on the left side, and if you want to bend the soccer ball left, kick it on the right side. In short, kick the soccer ball opposite where you want to spin it. 

  • Always kick the ball with your inside of the foot

    Kicking from the center part of your inside foot adds flight to the ball, which gives it time to spin. Kicking with the outer part of your foot or with laces won’t lift the ball and give time for the ball to be curved. So, make sure to follow this step. Otherwise, you won’t be able to curve the ball. 

After following the above-specified steps, you need to follow some other tricks and tips that we have specified below. 

Practice makes a man perfect

You might have heard this saying, and we can say with surety that this is right. No matter what skill set you are learning, practicing it regularly helps you to considerably improve it, and become the best version of yourself. 

The same applies to curving the soccer ball. While practicing, hit the ball at different angles to know what angles make the soccer ball spin the most.

Hitting a ball at different angles helps you know how easily you can hit the soccer ball at a certain angle. And what angles are hard for you to target. 

You can then take your time and work around those angles to considerably improve the curving skill set. Also, make sure to hit the soccer ball at different forces. The power of a kick also determines the degree of spin.

So, make sure to practice kicking the soccer ball at different power levels to know which force allows the ball to get a maximum degree of spin. 

Some other tips that you can follow to add maximum spin to the soccer ball are:

  • Bring your kicking foot across your body. When kicking the ball, you can add extra spin to the soccer ball by bringing your leg across your body as a follow-through. This technique is followed by pros and is one of the most efficient techniques. 

However, this trick is not easy to learn, and sometimes while practicing you would not be able to kick the ball with full power. So, make sure to give a bit of time to master it. 

Drills for curving soccer ball

You can also practice curving the ball by following some drills. For example:

  • You can set up a cone about 30 feet away from you and try curving the soccer ball around the cone. This drill is not easy as it seems, but it is a true gem if you want to master the curving technique. 
  • Another drill that you can try is placing the ball at the corner field and try bending the ball, so it goes into the player box or in the goal. 

However, the thing that you need to remember if you want to curve the ball from the corner position is that you should approach the ball at 45 degrees. Approaching the ball at 90 degrees won’t work. You can also place a cone near the goal post and practice curving the ball from the corner position.

  • There are numerous free-kick target mannequins that you can get to practice bending the soccer ball. Place the target mannequins a few feet away from the goal just as players make a wall during a free-kick to protect the goal. 
  • Then follow the above steps, and try shooting the soccer ball into the goal while curving around the mannequins. This drill would help you bend the soccer ball around the wall of defenders in a real soccer game. 


How to curve a ball is described in detail above. The Barcelona Premier Soccer Club can help you become a better player on the pitch if you follow their advice on how to curve the ball. Start your journey today and become the player you’ve always wanted to be!