What is Nutmeg in Soccer?

nutmeg in soccer

We all have heard the term nutmeg but nutmeg in soccer is something not everyone is aware of. Hence, the majority of people have one common question that is nutmeg in soccer meaning.

Well, the term nutmeg soccer has been around for quite a several years. During the early years of the 80s, it was a trend to trade nutmegs. 

If anyone gets deceived or gets a bad trade of nutmeg then they would be called nutmegged. While in nutmeg soccer it can be described when the player tricks the defender and passes the ball. 

If you are still confused by the nutmeg in soccer meaning then make sure to read the article thoroughly. 

Nutmeg in Soccer: An insight you need to know about

We can describe nutmeg soccer as when the defender gets tricked or deceived by the soccer player that possesses the soccer ball.

This makes the defender appear like a fool or embarrassed that they cannot stop the soccer ball from passing by and defending the goal from happening. 

This soccer nutmeg is not only common in the soccer game but it is quite common and happens during other sports like hockey or basketball as well. To be nutmegged is considered to be an embarrassing thing that might not be suitable for everything. 

This might not be a very good thing to do since it can cause the players to retaliate with more emotions and force. Since it is a deceiving technique, and if it is repeated then it can cause the defenders to get angry.

However, if you use this soccer nutmeg technique on occasional levels then it can be a good way to keep the players off track. Since it will not let them predict your next move. 

Nutmeg in Soccer: How to do it? 

Now, after you have learned the meaning of nutmeg soccer the main thing that people wonder about is how to ace it. The soccer nutmeg is continued by a dribbling technical move.

Moreover, little do the people know that some of the nutmeg soccer moves are named after the famous and professional players of the game itself. 

Some way to properly nutmeg a defender is to make the defender leave from the place that you want to go and make a goal.

Try to catch them off guard by coming in between and passing the soccer ball with way too fast speed. This is because the best timing to nutmeg a player is when they are not even expecting it. 

So, try to first set the zone and the player before you try to perform the nutmeg. However, you need to be careful with where you are passing the soccer ball.

Do not let it be way too much between the soccer player’s legs as it may be difficult for them to playback and might fall too. You need to make sure that when you are going to nutmeg a player it should work 100 percent. 

When is the best time to nutmeg a soccer player?

After learning how to nutmeg in soccer the majority of people look for the ideal timing to do it. Well, the best time to nutmeg a soccer player is when you are certain enough that it will work out without any setbacks.

This is because it gets quite frustrating when your plan fails and you lose a potential goal for your team. Some factors are known to be perfect to do a soccer nutmeg. Among the few of those are as follows.

  • Try to pull off the nutmeg stunt along the sidelines for a better score. 
  • Try to make a game of nutmeg in soccer when you are running down. 
  • Make sure to do it at full to near speed. 
  • Another ideal time to nutmeg a soccer player is at the end of the game. This is when the game is in your hand.
  • Be certain to always nutmeg during the third part of the pitch. 

How do you prevent/stop nutmeg in soccer? 

Apart from learning how to perfectly do nutmeg in soccer another thing that you might want to know about is how you stop the following stunt. Well, to do so, some of the ways are mentioned below.

  • Keep expecting the nutmeg 

While this may be easier said than done since you cannot be quite well aware of when you will be nutmegged. Yet you should always be alert about it.

The most common way of anticipating the nutmeg in soccer is to keep your eyes focused on the player that does it every often. 

  • Do not bound yourself more than the limit 

When you are defending you should be aware that there should be some space between your legs so that the player can pass the ball through.

Keep your emotions and feelings at a bay or control them and let them pull out the dribbling trick. However, you should not give them a lot of space or let them have it the hard way by not giving them very easy access. 

  • Stay focused and be in the play

Another important thing is that when you nutmegged you should always be still focused on the game. Do not let them take over your confidence.

This is because the ones that lose their focus are usually the ones that are commonly nutmegged. Hence, keep your head up and be alert to your surroundings

Who are the known kinds of nutmeg soccer?

The most common yet popular names are below.

  1. Juan Roman Riquelme – is an Argentinian player who was awarded a gold Olympic medal and is known as the best soccer player of all time. 
  2. Lionel Messi – the name says it all. He is considered a threat to Juan Roman Riquelme for the nutmeg king title. Since he has done nutmeg with complete expertise. 
  3. John O’Shea – was also known as the best artist to pull off the nutmeg in soccer. 


Soccer is a game that is loved and watched all around the globe. It has different tactics that lead the game to an interesting end like nutmeg soccer.