Ten Ways to Prevent Soccer Injuries

youth soccer san antonio

Getting injured while playing soccer can sometimes put a full stop to your career. Therefore, you must prevent getting soccer injuries. As a Youth Soccer player, you must go prepared for playing the game. Players get injured because soccer is a game that requires passion, energy, and force and while playing it sometimes you injure the other person. So, if you want to keep yourself safe on the field, it would be best that you keep yourself prepared and guarded before getting hit.

You will get a full orientation from the coach of the soccer club you will be joining before you start playing that is how you can keep yourself safe on the field and don’t get injured. It would be best that you know the basics to prevent soccer injuries so you can focus on the game.

Top Ways to stop yourself getting injured as a soccer player

Following are the top ten ways to prevent soccer injuries as a Youth Soccer player:

1.      Reduce injuries through proper conditioning

Proper condition is one of the most important steps for any kid to start their soccer career. Strains and sprains are the most common injuries that most kids face while getting prepared for the soccer game because their bodies won’t be ready for the game. Therefore, conditioning is necessary and for that, they need to be a part of the conditioning program of the Youth Soccer Club. It will help them to get in proper shape so they can start their soccer game training.

2.      Reduce injuries through proper stretching, warm-ups, and cooldowns

If you start playing the game without warming up your body then there are higher chances that you will get injuries. There are chances that if you go for proper stretching, and warm-ups then you might not get muscle injuries while you are playing the game. Once the game is over cooldowns are also an important part because your muscles require healing.

Never push yourself to a limit where your muscles get sore because it will increase the chance of getting your muscles injured and you won’t be able to perform well in your game. So focus on the warm-up and cooldowns before and after the game.

3.      Reduce injuries by properly maintaining the field

Field conditioning is also important because 25% of soccer injuries happen because of poor field conditions. The Youth Soccer club is responsible for taking care of the maintenance of the field so the players don’t get injured. If the authorities are not paying much attention to this very important fact then you need to be proactive and not leave it to the referee, check the field yourself and alert the authorities about the current conditions and the maintenance that needs to be get done.

4.      Reduce injuries by wearing proper shin guards

You need to wear your armor before you take your step into the soccer field. Your shin guards need to be in the exact place and they shouldn’t be lost because this way you might lose them while running and get your shins injured. The shin guards will reduce the impact of the hit you might get while playing on the field.

5.      Reduce injuries from goal post collisions

The soccer goalies get injured while colliding with the heavy post, or unpadded goal post. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), padded goalposts can reduce the impact of injuries. Again, it is the soccer club’s responsibility they take care of this matter and if not then you must let them know that it is a necessary change that needs to get done as soon as possible.

6.      Anchor the goalposts

Anchored goalposts are also necessary and they shouldn’t move from their point because if they move then there are again higher chances that the goalie would get injured. The CPSC has recommended anchoring all the goalposts so they don’t move from their actual place.

7.      Reduce orofacial injuries by using mouthguards

While playing soccer you get most of the hits in your face. Yes, about 30% of soccer injuries are related to orofacial injuries including concussions, tooth avulsions, tooth fractures, or oral lacerations. To ensure the safety of your orofacial features you must wear mouthguards. They will keep you safe from all the hits you get into your face from other soccer players.

8.      Take steps to reduce the risk of concussions and other traumatic brain injuries

You must take a little break from your soccer after a while because if you keep playing and heading the soccer ball then it will land you in weaker mental health and declined cognitive functions.

National Soccer Coaches Association of America has recommended that all soccer clubs, coaches, referees, and health professionals need to tell the players the effect of heading the soccer ball for too long. The players need to follow the rules and to reduce the risk of concussions and other traumatic brain injuries, the players need to take a step back from heading the soccer ball for a while.

9.      Reducing overuse injuries by setting participation limits

Never push yourself to a limit where you won’t be able to perform well and only become weaker with every single soccer game you play in the future. You need to set boundaries and limits for yourself while participating in soccer games. You know your health better than anyone else and therefore you are the best coach for your body when it comes to knowing your limits for playing the game.

If you are not feeling well and you know that you won’t be able to perform well in the game then you must rest and sit for a game and heal. healing is necessary if you don’t want to get injured in the field.

10.  Be prepared for medical emergencies

Always keep yourself prepared that you can get injured on the field but you shouldn’t panic because it will only make the situation even worse for you. A medical first-aid kit must be available for all the games and practices all the time so that whenever someone gets injured, they get the help right away. The coaches must have the sense to give the first-aid services to the injured player and for that, they must get training in first-aid or an emergency medical plan.

Final Words

Its is important to play fearless soccer but you need to take care of yourself too. Follow important tips mentioned above to stay fit and give your best.