

soccer parent

Are you a youth soccer parent who does not have much technical knowledge about getting soccer gear for your kids? If yes, then buying your kid his next soccer cleats might always be a confusing decision. It is because these shoes are much different from the other shoes, which makes picking the right ones difficult if you don’t know the technicalities. So, in this guide, we will share our top tips that will help every youth soccer parent pick the best soccer cleats for their kid, making them ready for success in youth soccer club.

6 Tips for buying soccer cleats for your child

If you are not sure about what product to buy, then you can always ask your coach for some assistance. In addition to that, you can follow these 6 expert tips to amazingly simplify the complex decision of buying the right soccer cleats for your kid.

Start shortlisting cleats after you consider the size.

The most important thing when picking soccer cleats for your kid is getting the right size. The perfect size fits perfectly with about a thumb’s width of space available between the heel of the foot and the back of the shoe. In this way, the cleats stay comfortable for wearing during intensive soccer movements. Getting too tight or too loose cleats will not be an efficient decision since these won’t allow your kid to play conveniently.

Choose a soccer cleat based on your child’s position and playing surface

Cleats come for grass and turf, and selecting one according to the playing surface is vital. Otherwise, the grip of the cleats will not be perfect, and your kid may not be able to balance perfectly on the ground. You may get the stud selection as well, and that must be done according to the position at which your kid is playing on the team.

Ensure that the youth soccer cleats you pick are comfortable.

You must give complete priority to the comfort and material of the cleats. These are the shoes that your kid will wear every day while playing, and if they are not comfortable, the long-term experience won’t be great. It can impact your kid’s performance and cause some potential injuries as well due to the lack of comfort while wearing it. The material you choose also has importance in providing comfort since natural materials are always better in terms of comfort as compared to synthetic materials.

Consider the shoe type according to the closure system.

Cleats come with different closure systems. The most common options include Velcro and laces. While Velcro is easier to buckle up and remove, it may not be very durable. At the same time, laces may take some time to buckle up and remove, but they provide the most reliable grip on the feet. These days, some options bring a combination of both laces and Velcro, and those are the best picks.

Always invest in quality and durability.

Soccer cleats have a huge role in how well your kid plays on the field, and if you don’t get them the right ones, they may not play well. When buying soccer cleats, remember that quality and durability must not be compromised. These are not the shoes that you can randomly buy for your kid since most kids tend to stick to one pair for most of the time. So, go after a good brand that offers value through quality and durability.

Pick youth soccer cleats that have some growing room

Lastly, picking cleats that are 100% fit to the feet is not a good idea. Instead, get something that has some growing room. The thumb width rule will give enough clearance inside the cleats that they stay comfortable enough to wear while providing a perfect fit on the feet as well.

Tips to make soccer cleats for children last long

Buying the right product alone is not enough since bad usage practices can make even the best ones get bad quickly. So, you can follow the tips below and make your kid’s soccer cleats last long.

Proper cleaning after every use is essential.

Keeping soccer cleats clean makes them last longer since cleaning keeps the materials and joints in cleats fresh for a long. So, whenever your kid wears their cleats, they must clean them using a damp or dry cloth to remove all the dirt and grime so the wear and tear on the cleats stays low.

Let the shoes dry to prevent

Whether you go for a natural or a synthetic material for soccer cleats, letting them dry after every use is essential. It helps prevent germ and mold growth inside the cleats and keeps them good and safe. Let the cleats dry at room temperature, and stuff them with a newspaper to wick out moisture from the inside.

Properly lacing the cleats is vital for longevity and comfort

Many kids make the mistake of tightening their cleats as tight as they can. It may feel like they get a good grip, but it is not comfortable to wear. Additionally, doing so puts extra pressure on the cleats, which can increase wear and tear on the cleats. So, teach them to tighten their cleats to the right level.

Rotation makes shoes last longer.

It may not be a feasible option for everyone, but if you can get your kid at least 2 pairs of cleats, they can rotate between different pairs. It will divide the wear and tear on all pairs and make all their cleats last longer than they normally would.

Store cleats carefully to maintain their structure.

When storing cleats, picking the right place is vital. Storing them in a cool and dry place and protecting them from direct heat and sunlight will help. You can use newspaper or silica gel packs to restrict moisture, and it is a good practice to use cotton bags for cleats to store them since these bags will prevent scratching your kid’s cleats, making them last longer.

Signs it’s time to get your kid new soccer cleats will not appear frequently if you implement these tips correctly. Hence, the soccer cleats will last much longer.


Soccer cleats are among the most important things present in your kid’s soccer kit. These help your kid play well on different kinds of ground while providing them the necessary grip to run and make quick maneuvers on the field. So, it is vital to get the right ones for your kid whenever they need a new pair. If you didn’t know much about youth soccer cleats and the right way to buy them, we hope that this guide has been helpful enough, and now you can buy the perfect pair of soccer cleats for your kid.