10 Effective Soccer Finishing Drills for Kids

Soccer club for kids

What Are Soccer Finishing Drills?

As a coach or trainer in a youth soccer club, one of your main goals is to help your players develop their skills and improve their performance on the field. One crucial aspect of the game that often requires special attention is finishing skills. The ability to score goals consistently is essential for any soccer player, and mastering the art of finishing takes practice and dedication. In this article, I will introduce you to 10 effective soccer finishing drills that you can incorporate into your training sessions to help your young players enhance their scoring abilities.

10 Soccer Finishing Drills For Kids

Drill 1: Lightning

Objective: Develop quick reflexes and improve shooting under time pressure.

Instructions: Set up two cones approximately 15 yards apart. Position a coach or teammate in between the cones, holding a stack of balls. The coach or teammate will randomly throw the balls in the air, and the player must react quickly to shoot each ball before it hits the ground.

Progression: Increase the distance between the cones or add obstacles to make the drill more challenging.

Drill 2: Numbers Shooting

Objective: Enhance shooting accuracy and decision-making skills in a game-like scenario.

Instructions: Divide the players into two teams. Set up two goals at opposite ends of the field. Assign numbers to each player. The coach or a designated player will call out a number, and the corresponding players from each team must sprint towards the ball placed in the center of the field and attempt to score. The team that scores the most goals within a specified time wins.

Progression: Add defenders or increase the distance between the center ball and the goals to make the drill more challenging.

Drill 3: Team Lightning

Objective: Improve combination play and quick passing in the attacking third.

Instructions: Divide the players into two teams. Set up a small grid in the attacking third of the field. The objective is for the attacking team to complete a certain number of passes before shooting on goal. The defending team aims to intercept the passes or win possession. Once the attacking team completes the required number of passes, they can take a shot on goal.

Progression: Increase the number of passes required or reduce the size of the grid to increase difficulty.

Drill 4: 2v1 To Goal

Objective: Enhance decision-making and finishing skills in a numerical advantage situation.

Instructions: Set up a small field with two goals. Divide the players into pairs, with one player designated as the defender and the other as the attacker. The attacker’s objective is to score a goal, while the defender’s goal is to prevent it. Start with a 2v1 situation and encourage quick combination play and decisive finishing.

Progression: Add more defenders or reduce the time allowed for the attacker to score to increase the difficulty.

Drill 5: Multi-ball Shooting

Objective: Develop shooting accuracy and speed in a high-intensity environment.

Instructions: Place several balls at different positions around the penalty area. Divide the players into pairs and assign each pair to a ball. On the coach’s signal, the players must quickly retrieve the balls and take shots on goal. The objective is to score as many goals as possible within a given time limit.

Progression: Increase the number of balls or reduce the time limit to challenge the players further.

Drill 6: 4v2 To Goal

Objective: Enhance passing, movement, and shooting skills in a numerical advantage scenario.

Instructions: Set up a small field with two goals. Divide the players into two teams, with one team consisting of four players and the other of two players. The team with four players must attempt to score a goal by passing and moving the ball while the team with two players aims to regain possession. Encourage quick, accurate passing and clinical finishing.

Progression: Reduce the number of players in the attacking team or increase the number of defenders to add difficulty.

Drill 7: Attitude to Shooting

Objective: Develop confidence and a positive mindset towards shooting.

Instructions: Divide the players into pairs. Set up a cone or a marker at a reasonable shooting distance from the goal. One player starts with the ball and takes a shot on goal. After each shot, the players must quickly retrieve the ball and switch roles. Emphasize the importance of a positive attitude and encourage players to shoot with confidence.

Progression: Increase the shooting distance or introduce specific shooting techniques to challenge the players.

Drill 8: Wild West Shooting

Objective: Enhance shooting accuracy and technique under pressure.

Instructions: Set up a line of cones or markers leading towards the goal. Position a goalkeeper in the goal. The players must dribble towards the goal while avoiding the cones and take a shot on target. The goalkeeper can move to challenge the shooter. Encourage players to shoot accurately and with power.

Progression: Increase the number of cones or markers or add defenders to make the drill more challenging.

Drill 9: 2v2 Turn and Shoot

Objective: Improve combination play, decision-making, and shooting skills in a small-sided game.

Instructions: Divide the players into two teams of two. Set up a small field with two goals. The objective is for each team to pass and move the ball, creating an opportunity to shoot and score. Encourage quick turns, accurate passing, and clinical finishing.

Progression: Increase the number of players or reduce the size of the field to intensify the drill.

Drill 10: Bermuda Triangle

Objective: Enhance communication, decision-making, and finishing skills in a small-sided game.

Instructions: Divide the players into three teams. Set up a triangle-shaped field with a small goal at each corner. Each team defends one goal and attacks the other two simultaneously. The objective is to score goals while preventing the other teams from scoring. Encourage communication, movement off the ball, and decisive finishing.

Progression: Increase the number of teams or reduce the size of the goals to increase the difficulty.

Additional Soccer Drills for Youth Soccer Clubs

In addition to the 10 finishing drills mentioned above, there are numerous other drills that you can incorporate into your training sessions to further develop your players’ skills and abilities. Some examples include passing and shooting drills, dribbling drills, and small-sided games that emphasize specific aspects of the game. By varying the drills and focusing on different areas of development, you can ensure well-rounded growth for your players.


Mastering the art of finishing is crucial for any soccer player, and youth soccer clubs play a vital role in developing these skills. By incorporating the 10 effective soccer finishing drills mentioned in this article, you can help your young players enhance their scoring abilities, improve their decision-making, and increase their confidence on the field. Remember to structure your drill sessions effectively and vary the drills to provide a well-rounded training experience.