How many miles do youth soccer players run in a game?

How many miles do youth soccer players run in a game?

Whenever you are discussing soccer one thing that will come to your mind for sure is a lot of running. People often wonder how much the average soccer player runs in a game. Well, there are no limits or minimum requirements to that.

The only thing limiting the movement of a player is the time. So, here we will be answering all of the questions related to the miles a soccer player runs in a game like how much does the average soccer player runs in a game.

The average miles a player-run in every soccer game.

Youth Soccer is not like professional soccer by any means. Although the sport is the same, players are not put through that much pressure. So, how much does the average soccer player run in a game has different answers depending on the group of teams?

For example, the following things are important in defining the pressure and the number of miles a player has to run:

  • The age group
  • Length of the game
  • Number of players playing on each side
  • Size of the field

The total distance covered depends on all of these factors and on average the youth soccer players have to run between 2-3 miles and 6-10 miles according to their age group.

Things that affect your movement in the game as a youth soccer player

If you are looking for miles a soccer player runs in one game, you must know different things that affect this.

Position on the field

The position of a player on the field is effective on the total miles he or she has to run. For example, the attackers and midfielders have to run a lot.

At the same time, the defenders go through mild running. Similarly, the player that does not have to run at all is the goalkeeper standing in the whole game without running a lot.

Bursts of speed training

Soccer players go through a lot of different types of training and bursts of speed training are one of them. This training is all about sprinting at high speeds for short times and that running is known as short bursts. Getting this training can change the total miles a player run in a game.

Individual and team training

Soccer is a game where sometimes you have to take the ball alone to create chances while sometimes you have to work with the team.

So, this combination of individual and team training helps in bringing up skills like speed, stamina, balance, and agility, and all of these help in running more on the field


There are different reasons for parents and players being concerned about the total miles to run in the field. One of the biggest reasons is the good health of the players. In any case, we hope that you got the answers to all your questions in this regard and now you know all about the factors affecting the running performance of a player in a game.