
How to Choose the Best Soccer club for Your Child?

Youth soccer club

Every parent wants to select the best soccer club for their kids, but when they have to select between the available options, they don’t know where to start. It is because there is no guidance for the parents about selecting the soccer club for their kids. Regardless of how many options there are in your area, if you know the right way to find a soccer academy for your kids, the process will be very easy.

Top 10 things you must consider before selecting a youth soccer club for your child

So many soccer club options in your area, making it an overwhelming decision? Here are the top 10 things you must consider before choosing a soccer club for your kids.

       1.Always start with online and in-person research before selecting the club

In this era of the internet, you can find out about anything online. However, when it is about selecting the soccer academy for kids, you must do both online and in-person research. In-person research allows you to observe the environment, coaches, other parents, etc. Meanwhile, online research tells you about ratings and reviews from different users.

Starting research online and then comparing your findings with in-person research will tell you about the authenticity of that soccer academy.

       2.Check if the club philosophy is in favor of the club or the kid

After researching youth soccer clubs, you must check the philosophy of the one youth soccer club you are opting for. Usually, there are 2 main philosophies. The first one favors the club, where they only focus on winning as many games as possible to maintain the club’s reputation.

The second one is where the club focuses on players for the long run. That’s what you are looking for if you want to see your kid play as a professional soccer player one day.

       3.Next up, you must check the coaching staff there.

Some clubs have professional coaches while others have volunteers. It is obvious that a volunteer will never teach your kid about the sport as a professional coach can. So, check the coaching staff at the youth soccer club. Finding more qualified coaches there will always be a good thing. While checking the coaches, you must also see their:

  • Communication style

  • Experience

  • Dealing with kids

  • Coaching Approach

       4.Also, have a look at the facilities at the club where your kid will be training.

Facilities at a youth soccer club have a huge impact on the learning and experience of your kid. It is a critical factor and also tells about the club’s efficacy. So, always go for the youth soccer club with well-maintained indoor and outdoor facilities, supplies, and equipment.

Not having all the right facilities will often pause the practice, which will be a hurdle for your kid’s progress.

       5.Check what player development opportunities that club is offering

You need to keep track of the player development opportunities offered by the club. These opportunities include different training programs according to the skill level of the kids. Since these opportunities are skill-based, you can be confident that your kid will progress at the right pace according to his capacity and interest in the sport.

These opportunities include training methods, exposure to other teams via professional tours, game strategies, etc.

       6.See if the club has a transparent selection process or not.

Something that matters the most is transparent selection. The club you select must have merit for admitting new soccer players, and that must be transparent for equality for everyone. Tryouts and evaluations throughout the career will provide constructive feedback for your kid, and you will be sure that your kid is getting at the position he deserves.

With this transparency, nobody will benefit from the system except skilled kids.

       7.Considering the registration cost and fee of the club is important

Next, you need to check the club fees along with their registration cost. Soccer clubs worldwide have different strategies for admitting players, but most clubs follow the pay-to-play methodology in the USA. So, it may put a little financial pressure on you as a parent, but to efficiently deal with it, you must know all the charges beforehand.

The charges vary depending on the age, league, and region your kid plays, and this fee can be around $5000 a year at max.

       8.Checking the atmosphere and culture of the club will help a lot.

The atmosphere and culture of the club where your kid plays will impact his game, personal life, and experience. Parents must select clubs that have a positive atmosphere with a supportive culture. The goal in the young years is to provide an enjoyable environment to play soccer rather than pressure and negativity.

However, the club must not be very lenient with their progress and have a positively challenging environment.

       9.Knowing the location and training schedule beforehand is important

You must also know the location and training schedule of the club for your and your kid’s better experience. Any will not tolerate any conflicts between school and club schedules. Similarly, if the location is very far, consider that you will drop off and pick up the kid at their school and club every day, which means a lot of traveling.

Checking these things before finalizing your decision about the club will clarify the routine.

       10.See if you like their team placement, competition, and matchmaking strategies.

Lastly, check the team placement options for your kid. Coaches decide which position in the team your kid will be playing. As your kid improves, he may request the position he likes to play at. Similarly, look for the matchmaking strategies and competition offered by the club to know what kind of improvement you can expect for your child from the club.


Selecting the right soccer club for your kids will be crucial since their first club defines the rest of their journey with this sport. So, it is important to know all the details like the difference between travel and club soccer, how to join a soccer club, etc. That way, your chances of selecting the wrong soccer academy for your kids will decrease, and you will provide them with a much better experience.

And, of course, Barcelona Premier Soccer Club is the best option for you and your kids.