How to Coach Soccer to 5 year olds

Coach Soccer to 5 year olds

While soccer training is known for the fun activities and training time, things can be very different when we find out how to Coach Soccer to 5 year olds. There are a lot of challenges that coaches have to face.

However, if they select the right way for coaching 5 year old soccer players they can ease a lot of struggle for themselves. So, if you are also looking to coach the 5 year old kids here is all you need to know.

How to teach kids in the discovery period?

When kids are about 5 years old it is the first time for most of them as well as some coaches have their first time coaching 5 year old soccer players. It means that both of them are going to discover a lot of things and it is the reason why this period is called the discovery period.

Even if you are an experienced coach, you still need to follow the right path as otherwise, it will not be very efficient for you.

  • Multiple touches on the ball can polish their skills

So, the first thing about soccer training for 5 year old soccer players is that you want them to have as many touches as possible. It is the time where they will set a base for their body’s contact with the ball.

Multiple touches will enhance this skill as well as set an amazing base for their future. So, the first thing you are going to focus on is every kid having multiple touches on the ball.

  • Creative individual play and team spirit are both important

Athletic performance is not the only important thing. You need to polish kids’ minds about how they can perform in the field. This can be divided into 2 different sections. One is about the individual play which needs to be as creative as possible.

The other one is team spirit. Now, it is something that can only be achieved when playing in teams. So, some part of your soccer drills for 5 year olds must include teamwork. In this way teaching individual skills and team spirit will become easier than ever

  • Select creative activities which are fun for the players

The next thing that needs to be worked on is the soccer training activities for kids. 5 years old is the age group where you do not want to teach kids a lot, but you need them to develop an interest in the game.

For this, you can select the activities that bring more fun for the 5 year olds instead of hectic soccer training. However, these activities need to have some soccer lessons as well.

  • Use methods to challenge the children in a fun way

When you are doing the soccer training for 5 year old kids you need to ensure to put the kids through some challenges. These challenges do not need to be very hard. However, the kid must be able to prove themselves through the help of that challenge. In this way, their self-confidence will increase along with their soccer skills.

  • Development of knowledge and personality

The last thing that you need to work on along with the soccer drills for 5 year olds is the development of knowledge and personality. Although the knowledge of this game can be very deeply related to the gameplay, personality development is something different.

Personality development will affect the kid’s performance throughout his or her career, so it is pretty important.

Why coaching 5 year old soccer players is important

You might be thinking why soccer drills for 5 year olds are important while the kid is just too young for the sport right now. There are a lot of reasons why soccer training at this point of age is very important.

Although it will not teach your kid a lot of soccer skills, it will for sure make them ready for the hard lessons ahead. Apart from that, the following reasons are more than enough to justify the importance of soccer coaching for these little kids.

  • The training teaches them patience

Kids are very impatient, and it can be a problem for them when they grow up. When they become a part of these training activities, they are taught to be patient in different ways.

  • The training teaches them organization

Organization in a player’s life is one of the most important things. While kids themselves do not know a lot about keeping themselves organized, soccer training activities can do the part to teach kids about staying organized in all parts of the game.

Final Verdict

Soccer coaching for the 5 year old players might seem different but only if you do not follow the right steps. You can always get assistance from the tips and tricks that we shared above for the best training for your kids.