How to improve reaction speed in Soccer

improve reaction speed

Having a high reaction speed in soccer is quite an important aspect. Reaction time in soccer is overlooked in the majority of cases. Although it is very essential.

Reaction speed in soccer can be defined as a form of exercise that is similar to the ones that are believed to increase the reflex actions of the players.

That in turn can enable the soccer players to decide on quick decisions with quick movements with the use of less brainpower.

Likewise, in the case of soccer dribbling soccer ball needs enough amount of brainpower and energy. This requires a lot of focus, controlled reflexes, and further quick actions.

Therefore, today we will discuss more ways that can deduce how to improve reaction time in sports soccer.

What is reaction speed in soccer?

Reaction time in soccer is the speed by which the players can make the next move. Such decisions are made within a short interval of time.

The players present on the field are required to prevent collisions and move by dodging other players. That too at the speed of 20mph.

Likewise, the reaction speed in soccer for the goalkeeper is approximately up to 0.3 seconds to reach back to a penalty kick.

How to improve reaction speed in Soccer?

The majority of people often get confused when they want to know how to improve reaction time in sport. However, there are a plenty of reaction drills that can be effective in increasing or to improve reaction time.

Thereby, some of the ways that are considered to be among the top reaction time soccer drills for increasing the reaction speed in soccer are mentioned in detail below:

    1. Put efforts into practicing reactive Agility

Reactive agility is the mixture of reaction time in soccer quickness. That means the player tends to become an all-rounder that has the ability to think fast, act fast and play fast.

Such types of reaction time soccer drills are the way of testing the player’s ability to make quick decisions in the set time.

As opposed to the coordination and reaction time exercises, the reaction drills of reactive quick response are impulsive.

Hence, this aspect of the player should never be overlooked. Instead, the coaches should invest in some extra reaction drills for improving reaction speed in soccer.

    2. Practice coordination and reaction time exercises

Another effective way that is considered to help coordination in soccer is to invest your time in coordination and reaction time exercises.

Some of the exercises used to enhance coordination in soccer are as follows:

  • Reactive gear soccer drill – This is among the best way regarded as an effective reaction time soccer drills. This helps in improving the ability of a player to accelerate and decelerate with the increased reaction time soccer. The player usually starts at one out of the two cones that are placed by the distance of 20 yards.

Once the coach signals to start, the player begins to jog back and forth between the placed cones. Almost 3 to 4 gears happen and are completed in the set of 25 to 30 seconds.

  • Wave reaction time soccer drill – this soccer drill is used to improve the player’s visual signals and quickness. In these two cones are placed 10 yards apart. Then the player needs to position themselves in an athletic position at cone number 1. Meanwhile, the coach needs to position themselves at cone number 2.

On the start signal, the players start chopping their feet and wait or watch the coach give a signal that means to change the direction. For the player to run forward, the coach signals them to by raising their both arms above their head.

It is important to keep in mind that the signal for running forward is always in the first go. Once, the athlete reaches the middle portion of the cones, there can be a change of signals given by the coach.

  • Shuffle reaction time soccer drill – this is an important drill for improving your lateral body movements and the coordination of hand and eye. In this exercise, two cones are used that are kept 5 yards apart from each other. The player then stands between the placed cones. The coach tends to stand in front of the player and throws the ball towards each cone.

The goal of the player is to shuffle between the cones and catch the ball then toss it back. The distance between the cones depends upon how much improvement is seen in the player’s time of reaction and the patterns of movements.

    3. Physical exercises

For you to get better knowledge for how to improve reaction time in sport is to practice gym. It can be quite useful for your body in terms of increasing your body’s strength and stamina.

The more stamina you have the more active and quick decisions you can make while being present on the soccer field. Therefore, do not ignore the need for your gym training sessions.

    4. Increase the mobility levels

Increasing your body movement is very important as well. Make sure to invest your time in such activities that give you a tough time for testing your running power.

This can help make your body used to tireless running and can become a way for increasing your overall reaction speed in soccer.

    5. Maintain a posture

For a player to improve reaction speed in soccer is to know the need for an ideal body posture. It is required by the athlete to carry an athletic posture.

It helps in keeping your senses awake and conscious. It also offers the player to move freely in the field while playing the game.


Reaction speed is something that should be worked upon and looked into deeply. As it trains the soccer players professionally in making quick decisions. Therefore, the coaches need to initiate several drills for increasing the reaction speed in soccer. Hence, to know more about it make sure to refer to the mentioned details.