The Ultimate Guide: Choosing the Perfect Youth Soccer Club for Your Child

youth soccer club

There could be several reasons why you want your child to join a youth soccer club. It could be because of their interest in the sport, or you want them to play as a professional soccer player someday. No matter the reason, starting with a youth soccer club for your child is always a good idea. However, most parents are confused about choosing the right soccer club for their kids and don’t know the best soccer club in their area.

In this guide, we will give you insight into all the important things that you must look for in a club when selecting a youth soccer club.

Everything you must consider when choosing the perfect soccer club for your child.

If you are looking for the best soccer club for your kid, here is everything you must consider before deciding.

Start by checking the club’s philosophy and see if it matches yours.

Every soccer club you come across will have a philosophy of its own, which differs for different clubs. Some focus on player development, while some focus on competition. Meanwhile, you will also find a club that focuses on the overall development of the club and individual players. The best soccer club will be the one that matches how your child wants to play.

Always select a club after checking the facilities available for kids

The next thing to check after the philosophy of a soccer club is the coaching facility and atmosphere. You need to choose a club with a supportive and positive atmosphere for your child. Additionally, look for the training facilities including:

  • Availability of different coaches
  • Indoor and outdoor training options
  • Fields
  • Training equipment, etc.

Having the best of all these will ensure your kid gets a good soccer training experience.

Coaching credentials are something that you can never skip

Coaching credentials have a vital role in polishing soccer skills in your child. Look for clubs that take only certified and experienced coaches instead of volunteers. They have the best information and knowledge on training kids to play professional soccer.

Also, check if the team/coach has a flexible and creative attitude. Kids can become rebellious to the sport if they feel things are imposed on them. With a creative attitude, they can easily be indulged in training with fun activities.

What type of player development approach does the club provide?

Ask what type of development approach the club provides. Does the team/coach encourage a holistic soccer experience? Sometimes you will get a structured development pathway where the kid starts with the basics and then progresses to complex tactics. It involves both physical and mental training. However, some clubs do not have a structured development approach, which is useless.

The cost you must pay and the value for money you get in return

Soccer clubs require parents to pay fees, including registration and equipment costs. Apart from that, there will be travel charges and other associated fees. No matter how much you must pay, if you are getting value for that money in terms of your kid developing into a better player, it will be worth it. Check if the team/coach has a flexible and creative attitude.

It is because that flexibility will bring the best value for your kid in terms of long-term soccer training.

Travel commitment can be a tricky thing for some families

You must meet their policies when you get your child into the best soccer club. Some clubs have a policy that they travel to other places for friendly and league matches. As your kid is a part of the team, you may need to take your kid to the destination, and checking if that will be feasible for your family is very important.

Club reputation in your local community

Does the team/coach have alumni still involved in the game? Such questions will give you an idea about the reputation of that club in the local community. A good club always values its assets and provides the best growth opportunities for talented players. If the player does not find a better club to switch to, he may stay at the same club, considering the training environment and facilities available.

Does the club ensure your child’s safety while they are there

Soccer is a sport where players easily get injured, and good clubs always take responsibility for the safety of players. So, check what type of first aid facilities the club provides. Additionally, a good club will protect your child from staff and other players in any case.

Growth opportunities for the kid

Check what growth opportunities and long-term vision the club has. Does this club allow players to move to better clubs as they improve, are they given a tough time to become physically and mentally better? If a club has a long-term vision, it will always let your kid play at a higher level by partnering with better clubs and ultimately taking them to play professionally.

How well does the club involve parents in their kid’s development?

Communication is the key to youth soccer and your kid’s development as a player. A good club will always let you communicate with your kid’s coach. This way, both parties can share and work on strengths and weaknesses accordingly. For example, a parent may talk about the skill that a coach needs to work on, while the coach may tell them to improve a kid’s diet.


Every soccer club, coach, and child is different. You cannot set a standard for the best soccer club since the best one may not fit your child. So, the right way to select a soccer club is by checking all the tiny details about the club and comparing them with what your child needs. Remember that you don’t need to impose sport or a soccer club on your child; instead, find an option that makes them fall in love with the sport.