What is a rondo in soccer?

rondo in soccer

Soccer is a game that is quite beneficial for you in many ways. It has countless fans who love to watch and play. Soccer itself is a treat for sports lovers and requires a lot of passion to become a successful soccer player. 

We all are aware of the fact that soccer includes many types of drills and techniques. Soccer drills are mainly consisting of training drills. Among that rondo in soccer can also be considered similar to it.

However, some people are not aware of what does rondo mean in soccer. Therefore, to clear out the confusion. Today, we will discuss more what is a rondo in soccer and rondo drill in soccer. Hence, keep reading.

Rondo: An insight into what is a rondo in soccer? 

For people who wonder what does rondo mean in soccer then the most precise way, you can understand it is to think of it as a training drill.

Yes, rondo is known to be a training or practice drill that needs a group of players. These players are then responsible to keep the soccer ball in their possession. 

Here, rondo in soccer means that the players are divided into two unequal teams in terms of numbers. Then, the team that has a lower number of team members will be asked to keep the soccer ball in their possession.

In a rondo, the teams or players are dispersed in a circle hence the name. It starts with spacing the players in a circle meanwhile, the rest of the players have to initiate from the middle of the soccer field.

Now, their motive is to fight for the soccer ball and to keep it within their boundary by using great passing and dodging techniques. This is quite beneficial for the players to enhance their sense of alertness. 

How does the rondo drill in soccer work? 

The next thing that the majority of people who love to watch and play soccer wonder about is how the rondo drill in soccer tends to work.

Well, as mentioned earlier, rondo is simply the division of players into two unequal teams concerning the numbers. 

However, the quite rare thing people do not think of is that rondo can also consist of two soccer balls. Yes, two soccer balls are used sometimes to increase the game time and Challenge for the players.

Rondo can also get difficult as the skill level of each player passes by a certain limit. For in, if the skills and abilities of the soccer players are examined carefully and the coach finds them fit enough then more rules or restrictions are added.

Like, they might ask the players to play with their weak foot or to impose the one-touch rule. All these rules in the rondo drill in soccer are the true essence of the game. That enables the players to get used to the upcoming challenges.

Rondo in soccer: How is it beneficial? 

Rondo might get difficult with each stage therefore the players and other people also think about why and how is it important. Well, there are countless ways in which rondo can be beneficial for you and your team.

Meanwhile, some of the highlighted and basic beneficial reasons are mentioned below:

  • Can enhance the player’s footwork 

We all know that in soccer the main goal-making lies within how strong one’s footwork is. Hence, to increase or enhance it rondo can be an ideal soccer training drill.

If you look closely into the drill of rondo you might notice that there is a lot of pressure on each teammate. To pass, to keep, and to make a goal out of the soccer ball.

Hence, this quick and reflexive running and minimal touches tend to increase the running time of the players. They become more impulsive and subconsciously ready with such drills.

Therefore, for a soccer game to be quick, sleek, and easy to goal rondos are very effective. 

  • Offers a boost of confidence

The other in which the majority of players are benefitted is that their confidence tends to increase.

In soccer, or being on the soccer field during the official match players often get nervous and feel the continuous pressure to perform better.

This can harm them and might not play as expected. But as long as the players tend to hold on to the rondo training drill in soccer, they are good to go.

Since rondo is a great way through which the players can easily learn how to perform well in a limited time and space.

The chase and the need to goal in a set of times are tough and can be mastered if rondo is practiced daily for at least 3 hours. 

  • Gets to your challenging side 

Rondo in soccer is also a good way that can bring the best out of a player. The availability of extreme pressure, limited time, and space tend to force the critical thinking of the players.

We can describe this situation as the survival of the fittest as well. This theory works quite well alongside soccer. Since the soccer player will look for ways to score a goal anyhow by remaining within the rules of the game.

Therefore, if you as a coach wonder about the ways through which critical thinking can be enhanced then, rondo is a very good and effective way to do so. 

  • Increases speed and agility

The other most important thing for a good soccer player to have been quick speed and agility. The better speed you have the better chances of scoring you get.

However, you might come across many drills in soccer that promises to have a good impact on your speed skills. But, rondo is the best out of all. Therefore, try to make the best out of it.


Soccer has many drills. These drills are there to make excellent soccer players that challenge their competitive side. Therefore, deep dive into the rondo training drill to become better at playing in a limited time and space.