Upgrade Your Child’s Skills with Professional Youth Soccer Training

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It is great how parents take an interest in taking their kids towards this great sport, but at the same time, some parents make the biggest mistake. That is skipping youth soccer training/academy and training kids by themselves in their early stages. It might benefit the kid somewhat, but you cannot compare the results with a kid who gets professional soccer training.

Choosing professional youth soccer training/academy for your kid can do wonders since it unleashes their best potential. Here we will discuss the importance of professional training for kids.

The Importance of youth soccer training

If your kid is interested in soccer, you must get youth training. It can be the first step towards their life as a professional soccer player. Soccer training in the early years is important because:

Physical development

Getting your kid involved in soccer training during the early years will significantly help with physical development. It can keep kids active and help develop their muscular strength, body flexibility, bone strengthening, and improvement in other bodily functions.

Mental development

Kids usually don’t have a good concentration and focus span. Moreover, they find it difficult to make future decisions that can be problematic. Introducing your kids to soccer training improves their concentration, focus, decision-making, and other mental skills. Thus, soccer training is very helpful in other areas of life.

Healthy and fun activity

Most kids today are involved in activities that are not healthy for their physical and mental health. These include watching content online or playing games on smartphones and tablets. On the other hand, when your kid is introduced to soccer, it will be an enjoyable activity that also promotes better health in your kid. So, it is beneficial for you both ways.

What are the benefits of professional training for your young soccer players?

Getting professional youth soccer training/academy for your kid will bring several benefits for them that you cannot get by yourself. Here are the 5 most important benefits that your kid will enjoy.

Better self-confidence

Getting professional training helps with building self-confidence. When your kid is training with you, he does not get a lot of challenges and competition. Meanwhile, professional training includes challenges, and achieving the desired goal will boost self-confidence in your kids.

Better social skills

When training at a club, your kid won’t be alone. Instead, he will be training with numerous other kids. There will be several chances of socializing and communicating with kids. Your kid may make new friends, and his social skills will improve with more opportunities to communicate with new people.

Better emotional wellbeing

Professional training puts kids through different circumstances. It is an experience of playing with the team, and your kid has his responsibilities. As a result, he may learn to deal with the pressure of his responsibilities. Hence, the kid will become mentally and emotionally stronger to deal with challenges on and off the field.

Improved tactical and technical skills

Lastly, improving their technical and tactical skills is the best way. Professional coaches train kids like parents can never, including training in different soccer fundamentals. From the tactical skill aspect, kids learn how to anticipate the situation of a game and how to decide according to the circumstances.

Fundamentals of youth soccer training

Youth soccer training/academy is not only about technical skills training but much more is involved in this training. Below are the fundamentals of youth training:


First fundamental of soccer training is dribbling. It is the ability to control the ball while moving. All football players must be able to move the ball around the pitch and set up scoring possibilities.


Since soccer is a team game, passing is an important skill to learn since every player must make multiple passes. Young players must learn to make accurate short and long passes with the right speed and distance.


Heading is essential to score goals, defending opponents scoring opportunities, and gaining possession of the ball when the ball is in the air. Heading involves learning to hit the ball with your head, and it is important to learn body positioning and balancing for effective heading.


Shooting or finishing is what gets you to score goals. It is like passing, but power, accuracy, and immediate decision-making are essential for shooting. Learning to shoot efficiently during the early years helps to evolve kids’ shooting abilities in the future.

Vision coordination

When kids are young, they are not great at vision-body coordination. The fundamental youth training involves using practices to help kids coordinate their bodies with their vision for better results on the field.

Body balancing

Maintaining body balance is important while running and hitting the ball since that will help you get past the opponents. It helps in maintaining possession of the ball.

Physical strength development

This training also includes physical strength and fitness development. It includes working on the kid’s speed, stamina, agility, and mental well-being. As a result, the kid becomes physically and mentally strong. This way, he makes decisions on the field, and his body performs well to back those decisions, whether about staying focused, handling pressure, or anything else.

Importance of choosing the right training program for young soccer players

When you look for professional youth soccer training/academy, you will come across many programs and options. Choosing the right one is important, and here are the 5 reasons why it is so.

Giving a competitive experience to the player

When you choose the right training program for your kid, you sign them up for the competitive experience they can bear. It is because most players are of the same age group and skill level. This competition helps your kid learn and grow since things are neither easy nor difficult for them.

Qualified coaches

Getting qualified coaches is one of the most important reasons for choosing the right program. You don’t want a place with volunteer coaches training your kids. Qualified coaches are the best since they know their job and have the knowledge, authority, and experience to train kids.

Good learning environment

The right training program offers a good learning environment for your kids. Having kids from the same community, age group, and interest in the sport will never make your kid feel left out. That will make going for soccer coaching more fun for the kid.

Easy commute for parents

The right coaching program and place will also be important for the parents. Parents must drop off and pick up the kids at the training location, and going for the right option will make that easy. It will also keep the kid from suffering due to hours of daily travel.

Opportunity for kids to train in their studies.

The best quality of a good training program is flexibility. Kids can enjoy training at the club and get flexible training options when they have to pay attention to their studies. In this way, kids get a balanced experience.

Final Remarks:

When a kid starts playing soccer and is interested in the sport, you must start looking for the best youth soccer training/academy. It is because even at that stage, parents don’t know the best practices to train their kids, but coaches do. 

So, the longer a parent trains their kids by themselves, the more learning opportunities that kid will miss. Moreover, choosing the right training program and club for your kid is important to give them the best experience in this sport; and of course, Barcelona Premier Soccer Club will always be the best option for you and your child.