12 tips for being a great soccer parent

youth soccer club

If you want your kid to play at a youth soccer club, it will not be about the kid and the club. You will have a huge role in developing your kid as a good soccer player. While most parents ignore this fact, some tips can help you become an amazing soccer parent no matter what level of youth soccer club your kid is playing at.

12 tips that will help you become a great soccer parent

These are the top 12 tips that can help you become a better youth soccer parent.

1.To make your kid play good soccer, understand games and their rules yourself.

The first thing you need to understand to become a great soccer parent is the rules for playing soccer. Whether you take some personal training time or want to cheer your kid during a game or coaching session, if you don’t know the rules yourself, you will look like a fool and misguide your kid. So, understand the rules of soccer and get familiar with this sport first.

2.Leave the coaching job for the coach and take care of the rest yourself.

Every coach has a specific strategy for coaching the team and individual players. Professionally trained coaches have years of experience in judging what a kid is best at, and they give them instructions during the game and practice sessions accordingly. You may dream of your kid playing as a striker, but trusting the process, you must leave the decision to the coach and support them in every way possible.

3.Try to attend games as much as possible since it motivates your kids

Whether your kid loves to play at the youth soccer club or not, one thing that will surely excite him is seeing you there to spectate his game. It not only boosts confidence in them but also motivates them to do their best. Moreover, it strengthens your bonding with the kid since you have much to discuss regarding the game.

4.You can provide positive encouragement and constructive criticism.

As a parent, you want your kid to do their best, but sometimes, they fail. Understand that it is just youth soccer, and your kid is still learning different technicalities of the sport. After you watch them play, you will have several comments about their lacking but remember to leave no negative comments. You must give them positive encouragement or constructive criticism but never make them feel bad.

5.Motivate your kid to love the game instead of pressurizing him to win.

Kids usually have this attitude where they always try to win and get disappointed when they cannot do so. As a soccer parent, you must tell them the difference between a love of sport and winning. As you teach your kid that love of sport matters the most, they will improve and play better, which will ultimately help them win by improving. Never put them under pressure to win and do their best at every game.

6.Tell the importance of communication and teamwork to your, kid

Most kids are already good at it, but if your kid is shy, he may find it very difficult to communicate with his teammates. As a parent, you are responsible for teaching him to communicate and play with the spirit of teamwork since that will help him improve the most on and off the field.

7.Be patient with your child’s development.

One of the mistakes parents make is impatience with their kids’ development. They don’t let the kid take their time and adjust to the game’s settings. When they don’t see any progress, they often make the kid quit training. A good soccer parent will never do that, and he will always celebrate every small improvement with the kid.

8.Tell your kid the importance of balance between soccer and other activities.

While you patiently wait for your kid’s development, you need to tell them that the most important thing in life is maintaining a healthy balance between your activities. Soccer is good, and it might be attractive for the kids but tell them that their studies and other activities also have the same weight in their life.

9.Communicate with the coaches as much as possible.

A good soccer parent always communicates with the kid’s coaches. Communicating with them brings benefits both ways. You can tell the coach about things your kid lacks in personal life, like communication and socializing. Similarly, the coach can tell you about personal training and healthy diet practices. If both parties implement the right practices, it will work heaven for the kid.

10.Understand the situation and respect the referee’s decisions

Respectfully applaud the other team and the referee, and understand that the referee has the best view and understanding of the situation. Even if it is unfair, you must teach your kid to improve and do better next time.

11.Promote friendships among the team instead of teaching competition to your kid.

View the other team’s parents as partners and make your kid feel the same for his teammates and players of the other team. You always want your kid to improve positively rather than push him towards competition with other players.

12.Prioritize your child’s health and safety above everything.

Lastly, as a parent, you must prioritize the health and safety of your kid above everything. Make him take a healthy diet and keep him safe from activities that can ruin his soccer career. Soccer will become a much better activity if the kid cooperates since he will improve a lot.


As a parent, you may think you don’t have a huge role in developing your kid at a youth soccer club. However, a huge part of the kid’s development comes from you since they spend most of their time with you. While you must leave the technical stuff for the coaches, all the rest of the guidance must be taken care of yourself. Remember that how you guide your kid at the youth soccer club will impact their future.