Essential Soccer Training Equipment Every Soccer Player Should Have

soccer training equipment

Soccer training equipment is necessary no matter which level of soccer you play. Some of those things will be a part of your routine practice sessions to make sure that you polish your skills in the right way. While some of those things are specially designed, some are nothing more than regular things for soccer players.

While there is a wide range of options when picking training equipment, selecting the right ones is necessary. So, here we have all the essential equipment that you will need.

Soccer training equipment that every soccer player must have

Below is the essential soccer training equipment that every soccer player needs.

1. Soccer ball and pump

Soccer training is incomplete without a soccer ball so the first thing that you need to get hold of for soccer training equipment is a soccer ball.

Even if you are working on drills that do not need a soccer ball, you must get a soccer ball to practice different scenarios. Getting a few of them will be a good option but one will work fine as well.

Regardless of how many soccer balls you get, getting a pump with them is always a good idea as nobody likes to play with deflated soccer balls.

2. Grippers or Cleats

It depends on where you are training. If you are training indoors then getting Soccer grippers will be a good idea. Similarly, for outdoor training cleats make a good choice. Going barefooted, in slippers, or any other shoes will not let you train up to your full potential.

So, it is always the right choice to pick and buy the perfect shoes for your training environment. However, it is not necessary to break the bank when buying one.

3. Training clothes

Just the way you cannot use any shoes for training, you cannot use any clothes as well. Training in jeans will never be efficient. So, you need proper clothes. Generally, it will include a top and a bottom but make sure to select those according to the weather conditions.

Make sure to get soccer uniform because otherwise, they will not be great at flexibility, moisture-wicking, and other things. Some options you can get include:

  • Shorts
  • Trousers
  • Jacket
  • Pinnies
  • Soccer Vest

4. Coaching sticks and cones

As we mentioned above soccer training is not all about playing with the soccer balls, there are some things that you can do without your soccer ball as well.

However, some equipment options can be used with or without the ball. Coaching cones and sticks are these things that you can use to simulate different scenarios.

So, using these things can help you maintain better balance as well as enhance your dribbling skills. The best part about them is that you can use them on the field as well as off the field.

5. Soccer Mouth Guard

Nowadays soccer mouth guards are becoming more and more popular. They add a layer of safety to the player as they are prone to tooth or gum injury in case of an elbow or a hand from an opponent team’s player.

6. Ladder

We are not talking about the ladder that you use to climb up. This is a ladder that stays on the ground and helps you practice several soccer training drills.

It can be an essential soccer training equipment to enhance your agility and speed along with your footwork. Along with all these things a ladder can also be handy to strengthen your leg muscles.

7. Goal and goal sheets

Whether you are an attacker, midfielder, defender, or goalkeeper, you must be perfect at passing balls and shooting them.

There are several situations in a real game where you have to make a lob pass with accuracy. So, goals of different sizes can help you make your touches and shoots accurate.

Getting goal sheets to put on the full-size goal post will be very beneficial to make your accuracy even better. It can also be very beneficial for practicing penalty situations.

8. Soccer mannequins

Soccer mannequins come in different sizes, and they are helpful to practice dribbling as well as shooting. They are especially beneficial for free-kick practice because placing mannequins can help you replicate real-game situations.

Before buying them, make sure that you have enough space and ways to manage them. It is because getting a lot may not be the ideal choice if you are short on space.

9. Speed Chute

If you want to take things to the next level, then buying a speed chute is ideal. It gets packed in a small bag that you can fit in your soccer training bag.

The purpose of this equipment is to make you stronger when running. It ensures to bring more resistance than you normally have when running. In this way, your core and leg muscles become stronger.

So, making it a routine item for your soccer practice will make you much faster in real games when you sprint without one on your back.

10. Solo soccer trainers

Knowing your touches in soccer is essential. The best soccer game is all about how you make different touches and receive them.

Solo soccer trainers can be very beneficial for training ball touches when you do not have someone to train with. Some tie to your body and some stick to the ground.

All types of solo soccer trainers bring different training techniques but the main goal for all of them is the same. The best part is that some options don’t need a lot of space. So, these can be amazing for your indoor or at-home soccer training.

11. Shin guard

While you do everything to become better at the sport, you must focus on your wellness as well. injuries can happen anytime so using a shin guard is the right choice.

Instead of only using one while games, you should use them while training. This makes you more self-confident because you know that you are protected.


Having all the essential soccer training equipment makes your practice session much more productive. So, when you are picking the equipment you must be sure that you are getting hold of all the necessary stuff. In this way, you will be able to train your body to deal with all situations during a soccer game. With better flexibility, agility, and stamina you will be able to do much better on the field.