How to Dribble a Soccer Ball?

dribble a soccer ball

Soccer is a game that requires different sets of skills. Some of the must-have soccer skills are passing, shooting, and dribbling. Without all these skills, you cannot be a successful soccer player.

While precise passing and accurate shooting may be difficult, dribbling a soccer ball to avoid the opponent from snatching the ball away from you is a technical and a bit tricky part. 

It is why many soccer players tend to practice and focus on their dribbling skills. For some soccer players dribbling is hard, and for others, they seem to pick up the basics pretty fast.

However, if you are a beginner, and do not know how to dribble, then you have come to the right place. Today, we will discuss how you can dribble a soccer ball. 

Steps to follow to dribble a soccer ball

Some of the steps you should follow to learn how to dribble a soccer ball faster are specified below. 

Use the front part of your feet

One of the most crucial steps to follow if you want to learn how to dribble a soccer ball in the air is to use the front part of your feet. Dribbling is a skill that requires speed and agility. Speed refers to your pace, while agility is how fast you can dribble in a given time. To successfully dribble, you must have these skills. 

It is why you should always land on your front feet. Landing on your front feet helps you stay on your toes, which aids you in not slowing down. Moreover, landing on the front part of the feet also ensures maximum balance. 

It is also recommended that you should dribble using your laces. Dribbling with your laces makes sure that the ball stays within your range and does not get too far from you. Moreover, dribbling with your laces looks professional as well. 

When learning how to dribble a soccer ball faster, make sure to lock your ankle and point down your toes before you begin dribbling with your laces.

Use non-dribbling foot in a correct manner

Your non-dribbling foot also plays a crucial role when it comes to dribbling a soccer ball. To properly learn how to dribble a soccer ball in the air, be mindful of using your place foot correctly.

The correct method to use your non-dribbling foot is to keep it behind your dribbling one. Moreover, it should push off the ground as you continue to progress forward with the ball with your laces.

However, your opponents do not only come from the front. They can come from anywhere on the field. And for this, you need to cut to change directions when dribbling to avoid giving possession of the ball to your opponents.

Therefore, when changing direction, your non-dribbling foot should hop a bit. This movement makes sure that you get added balance when you change directions. It also makes changing direction more swiftly and conveniently.

You can practice some dribbling drills to make sure that you develop muscle memory for your non-dribbling foot. Without the proper use of your place foot, you can lose balance. 

Do not forget to use your arms

No, you do not need to stop or dribble the soccer ball using your arms. Instead, keep them out while dribbling. There are three reasons why you should always use your arms when dribbling. They include:

  • Improves balance – keeping your hands out improves overall thrust and balance. 
  • Creates a shield- You can use your arms to create a shield around the ball and prevent your opponent from getting too close to it. 
  • Natural movement – Adding a bit of arm movement while dribbling looks natural. 

Have a proper stance

Dribbling is a skill that requires a proper athletic position. Without it, you cannot appropriately dribble a soccer ball. When dribbling, make sure that your knees aren’t locked. Instead, you should slightly bend them and make sure to raise them high. 

Raising your knees high enhances your speed, momentum, and agility by a significant margin. However, do not raise your knees super high as this can cause you to lose your balance, which will hurt your dribbling.  

Moreover, you should not slouch when dribbling, as this ruins your balance and footwork. Instead of slouching, you should keep your back straight. 

Things to avoid when learning how to dribble a soccer ball in the air 

Some things that you should always avoid if you want to learn how to dribble a soccer ball faster are specified below. 

  • Never use the inside part of your feet

Dribbling using the inside part of your feet reduces your speed, and a reduced speed means your opponents have a higher chance of intercepting the ball.

  • Touch the ball with each step that you take

Doing this when dribbling ensures that you have control over the ball. Plus, when you continue to touch the ball with each step you give defenders a tough time. It also builds up your confidence, which is super important in any game. 

  • Do not use the inside part of your feet when changing direction

Using your inside and outside of the feet when cutting to change direction to avoid defenders gaining possession of the soccer ball provides quick movement and balance. To know what type of foot movement works best for you, you should practice.

Soccer exercises you can do when learning how to dribble a soccer ball faster

There are numerous activities and drills that soccer players can integrate into their training regimen. However, the most effective one is to place two cones 15 yards apart. After this, walk and dribble using your laces as specified above. Repeat this 3-5 times. 

Once you feel comfortable dribbling with the laces method, make sure to repeat the exercise. But this time, instead of walking, make sure to jog. 

You can also talk to a certified coach if you want your kids to learn how to dribble a soccer ball in the air. 


You can improve your speed while dribbling with a soccer ball by practising the drills and strategies mentioned above. Learn how to dribble a football in the air and improve your dribbling speed by practising a variety of dribbling drills. Start your journey today at Barcelona Premier Soccer Club and become the player you’ve always wanted to be!