Should You Have Caffeine Before Playing Soccer?

Should you have Caffeine Before Playing Soccer?

Athletes tend to take different things before they begin the game to improve their performance. Most of these things boost their energy levels, making them better in terms of stamina and agility. While some of those things are banned for soccer players, Caffeine is not. 

However, knowing whether one should use Caffeine before playing soccer or not is important. So, please stick with us and explore everything you need to know about the effects of using Caffeine before soccer game.

Should You take Caffeine Before a Soccer match?

A major population worldwide relies on coffee to begin their day with a boost of energy. One of its many reasons is their need to maintain caffeine intake.

Those who do not take coffee like taking other caffeinated drinks. However, things are a little different for athletes. For them, Caffeine is essential to keep them on top of their performance.

Caffeine consumption for professional athletes and soccer players is not only about physical benefits. A major part of it is keeping the mind active because a huge part of the performance on the field relies on quick and better decision-making. So, the ultimate answer to taking coffee before your soccer games is yes.

As a soccer player, the right amount of Caffeine can help run faster, jump higher, or perform well on the field because of better efficiency. It also helps the mental stimulation, which gives a strong competitive advantage when on the field.

How does Caffeine affect your body?

Knowing what Caffeine does to your body can help you use it right. So, when you take Caffeine, your body gets short-term benefits that you will usually experience after 5-30 minutes of consuming it.

The most common things you experience are increased heart and breathing rates. Along with these, there is higher alertness and a feeling of being better in physical performance. Some other effects include:

  • Restlessness
  • Sleeplessness and excitability
  • A slight rise in body temperature
  • Feeling energetic both physically and mentally.

The time for these effects to be effective on your body can vary according to your body. However, on average, these results can last up to 12 hours.

What is the correct amount of caffeine you can take before playing soccer?

Most soccer players are often concerned about the pro soccer player caffeine limit. There is no specific limit as the daily nutrition will differ from person to person.

However, maintaining a healthy amount is necessary to lead a healthy life. As a pro soccer player, you must monitor everything you eat to follow an ideal diet plan.

Your nutritionist or dietician assists that plan. So, what you need to do to know the pro soccer player caffeine limit for yourself is to be a concern with your nutritionist. They will let you know how much Caffeine you can take daily.

Follow that amount, and you will know how much Caffeine you can take before your soccer match. Following that will keep you on the top of your game and help you stay healthy.

Around 200 to 400 mg of caffeine is good enough for athletes. However, your exact amount may vary according to what your nutritionist suggests according to your body.

Which form of Caffeine will be good for you?

Caffeine is available in a lot of things around us. It is the most common ingredient in energy drinks as well as sodas. As it gives a physical & mental advantage, soccer players need to consume it.

However, knowing what forms of Caffeine are safe is also important. Most players take coffee before they start a soccer game.

It is unnecessary for that coffee to be hot as they mostly take brewed cold or iced coffee. Other than that, athletes also prefer using some energy drinks.

Remember that before a soccer game, it is good that your stomach is not full of a lot of liquid. So, taking some espresso may be good as you will be getting a fair amount of Caffeine with less liquid.

Is getting too much Caffeine safe for Soccer Players?

Excess to everything is bad, whether it be Caffeine or any other energy-boosting thing that athletes take. Usually, when we consume Caffeine, we take it in drinks that include high amounts of sugar and other things.

As high as 400 mg of Caffeine will be good enough for most cases, but more than that can get you into several problems.

It may not be safe for your health in the short-term as well as long-term, and here are some of the side effects of usage of Caffeine:

1. High sugar intake leads to diabetes and issues like obesity

The first issue that you may face is high sugar intake. Not managing things correctly in the long term can lead to diabetes and other issues, including obesity. Once you become obese, your body will welcome a lot of other diseases.

2. Insomnia

Caffeine intake can be the reason you have become an insomniac. Caffeine taken close to bedtime can make it difficult to sleep, resulting in a disturbed sleep cycle.

3. Anxiety

Caffeine overconsumption can cause jittering effects on your body. These effects are similar to some frightening events because Caffeine stimulates your body’s fight or flight response. Thus, it can lead to anxiety.

4. Dependency

In the worst case, your body may get addicted to a specific amount of Caffeine. So, you will be unable to perform without taking Caffeine. In that case, you will become dependent on Caffeine for performing.


So, one can say that it is not bad to use Caffeine, especially before starting a soccer match. However, considering all the important factors about caffeine consumption in your daily life is also important. So, if you want a boost of energy during your soccer game, you can take some caffeine before playing soccer in the form of coffee, and it will help you with your performance. Just make sure that you are maintaining a safe amount of Caffeine according to your daily nutrition to stay safe from any side effects of Caffeine.