Your Soccer Coach Won’t Tell You This!!!

things soccer coach won't tell you

Soccer training starts from home for most players. Enthusiastic parents take charge of their kid’s soccer training. However, there comes the point where getting professional soccer training from a soccer coach is necessary. However, even when you are getting soccer coaching, there will be things soccer coach won’t tell you.

Here we will be discussing some of those things so that you can make up for any factors you lack.

Things soccer coach won’t tell you

The following are the top 7 things soccer coaches won’t tell you.

1. Winning in the long term is more important than short-term

A soccer coach will not tell you that long-term winning is more important than short-term winning. Most of the coaches you will find at clubs, colleges, and schools want better results from you, and that’s why they only want to prepare you for some specific games.

As you won’t be playing under the supervision of those coaches, they will not tell you that your long-term development matters the most.

So, when you are looking to become a better soccer player overall, you must focus on long-term development, polishing your physical and mental skills.

2. Your coach won’t tell you about technical ball control in real-game situations

If you do not go through proper technical development, you will find yourself in situations where you will get the ball, but you will not know what to do next.

In those situations, the following things will become difficult for you in real-game situations:

  • Taking the ball towards the goal to scoring
  • Looking for passing opportunities
  • Maintaining possession when you get a ball and an opponent is approaching.

So, to become a better soccer player, you must go through proper physical and technical development. Being strong and fit alone is not necessary. You need to have quick reaction times with better decision-making capabilities.

3. Your soccer coach may never tell you the importance of practice

There are rare cases where coaches tell you about the importance of practice. All the great soccer players have not become world-class by casting some magical spells.

They have been through hours of practice and training. So, if you are also looking to become a world-class soccer player, you must practice a lot.

Only one or two training/practice sessions throughout the week will not be enough. Just think if you can score an A+ grade only by taking classes once a week.

Similarly, you will not become strong by hitting the gym only once a week. The same is true for soccer, and you need to practice daily. Set your training goals and try to beat your previous goals for better results.

4. It is okay to have players better than you.

A coach always wants the best players in their playing-11. So, they do a lot of analysis and comparison. They do not tell every player that it is okay to have players better than you. It is the reason why many players lose confidence and become insecure.

A coach must tell every player that it is okay to be second to someone because you cannot be the best in every case. Knowing this will motivate you to train even harder and perform better as a player.

5. Soccer practice alone will not make you a great player.

Several players are amazing when it comes to soccer basics. Their passes, touches, ball control, dribbling, and everything else are amazing.

This can offer an additional, potentially more beneficial aspect in reducing injuries resulting from landing or falling, which are also frequently encountered by soccer players.

The reason is that a soccer coach will never tell you that soccer practice alone is not enough to make you a great player. Instead, you need to focus on the following things as well:

  • Better diet and physical training
  • Psychological training and confidence build-up

Being good at these things will enhance your endurance on the field and help you make better decisions quickly.

6. How to communicate with team members in a game situation.

Usually, soccer coaches do not tell players how to communicate with each other. Different players have different modes of communication.

To communicate with team members, players often use facial gestures, hand gestures, and hand pointing. If a coach provides proper communication training, the real-life performance during games will become a lot better.

7. Any additional tips to improve your performance

Coaches usually focus on basics and ask you to perform in real-game situations. Most of them are not even analyzing your skills and performance.

So, when there is no special analysis of your playing skills, you will not get any additional improvement tips. It can be a major reason for many players lacking good soccer skills.

Why do coaches usually not tell such things?

Now that you know everything your soccer coach will never tell you, you must also know the reason behind that. So, below are a few common reasons why coaches do not tell players those things:

  • Usually, coaches do not have a lot of time. Whether we consider private coaching or club coaching, they cannot give a lot of their time to every player
  • Another reason for a coach not telling you something is because they are themselves not an expert in that certain thing.
  • Some individuals are just working as soccer coaches to get a job. There is no enthusiasm, which is why players do not get all the assistance and information they need.
  • The last reason is that coaches usually focus on basics. They are not very interested in the technical and long-term development of players.

So, if your coach is not providing you with the best information for any of these reasons, you need to learn those by yourself.


A soccer coach is responsible for fully training every soccer player under their supervision. However, there are still some things soccer coach won’t tell you. So, instead of not learning those, you must do a self-assessment and improve the factors you find yourself lacking. If you are a parent of a young soccer player, you can also take things into your hands and train your kids the best way.

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  1. […] a very good way in which the player can also have a private soccer coach. That is why parents also decide on choosing a private soccer coach to let their child play under their undivided attention and with their complete […]

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